Thursday, October 25, 2007

Almost upon us...

A sudden realisation has come to me. I was busy planning Bazza Festivus, (the month immediately surrounding the 8th of January), and I thought, ok so Bazza Festivus ends on the 22nd January. Great.

No - NOT great. The 22nd of January is exactly 22 days away from the worst day of the calendar year - Feb 14th. Yes, you know what I'm talking about - it's V Day.

Some of you share my dread for this day, and my most avid readers will remember the unprecedented event on Feb 14th 2007 where I received a V Day card. But this doesn't change my views on this 'holiday'. It's still a day of hell - a day where single office workers are loathe to leave their buildings for fear of stumbling across a fallen rose on the footpath, or a joyfully weeping teenager crying into the arms of her 'loved one'; a day where all mention of flowers, cards and chocolate should be kept within the social circles of those who are attached.

I was originally (on Feb 15th this year) going to take a different stance on the holiday to end all happiness, but, alas, nothing has changed this year. The mystery card sender of 2007 has fallen off the radar and hasn't owned up, so all hope of receiving anything in 2008 has been washed away. I shall sit here, and mope, and will be sure to express my inner most sadness and anger at happiness on my blog. Looking forward to it :)

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