Monday, March 5, 2007

The Ultimate Test

This weekend presented me with a fairly large trial - that is, my father came to stay, at my house, for two nights. Let's give you a little bit of background shall we...

Last time he came to stay, for one night, I had 3 panic attacks, and ended up having to ditch him onto my sister because I couldn't bare to see the man anymore. He told me that my house wasn't very nice, that I'd put on weight, and lots of other similarly nasty comments were thrown my way. So, I was expecting a similar show this time round.

However, I seem to have created a new persona on top of my already limitless oeuvre of internal characters. This new 'front' is called "Hard Bitch". I like her. A lot.

The main tenets of this character focus around said father, and work as a coping mechanism. It enables me to answer yes or no to every question, and I didn't take the bait for any of his little arguments that he enjoys so much. Yay!

In short, I'm very proud of myself, am feeling incredibly empowered and would like to say Screw You to a certain paternal influence and his little world of mind-fucks and games.

P.S. He now knows that I'm not a lesbian, as I told him that I was expecting a male visitor on Monday night, so I couldn't possibly go out to dinner with him. (Of course, I wasn't expecting any such visitor, but felt it was wholly necessary to stop the endless questions about "any boys or girls" I might have met.

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