Came in this morning and informed Current Boss (CB) that I had been offered more money, and I planned to take the new job. He took me into a meeting room and said, effectively:
- If you take the new job, the relationship between our company and theirs will be affected, (which involves a substantial amount of lost revenue on both sides).
- I shouldn't be thinking about money, I should think about what my current company stands for and what it can offer me.
- That they'd just sacked off a potentially good applicant because I said I'd take their offer of a new role, so if I left they'd be screwed.
- I should go and think about it.
So, I went and thought about it - about what he'd just said to me. He'd put me in a position that wasn't very pleasant, and ultimately, I don't want to work for someone who was happy to lay that kind of shit on me, and pay me crap money for the pleasure.
Therefore, notice was given, and PNB - who is now NB - was informed.
I feel like a weight has been lifted, and I have finally made a decision about my career which has nothing to do with my current company.
So, here's to February - my last month with CB and current job! Woo hoo!!
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