Monday, January 8, 2007

Festival of Me

It's amazing when this time of year comes round again. The planet has proven to be the 'little planet that could', and has made another orbit around the sun. Venus is in Aquarius, according to my horoscope, and I am now a quarter of a century old. That's right fans, today is the day of my birth.

Equally as exciting - today is also my first day back at work after a slightly extended Xmas holiday. I was having problems this morning, but I turned my brain off and on again, and it's working fine now.

Now that I'm back into my daily routine, (how I love thee, routine of mine...), I've decided that my life is lacking in some things - these things need to be addressed immediately:

  1. I have a severe lack of caffeine in my body. I feel that a dependence on Diet Coke needs to be assumed in order to get my levels of intoxicating substances back to a 'normal' level.
  2. Once the levels of caffeine are back to normal, I need to make use of the enlivening qualities of said drug, and aim to stay awake longer in the evenings.
  3. Whilst staying awake longer in the evenings may affect my ability to get up in the mornings, I feel that it's wholly more important to begin watching the Fox Telenovelas, as well as intellectual TV programs such as Entourage and Girls of the Playboy Mansion.

As you can see, turning 25 has really brought my priorities into perspective, and hopefully I should now be on track to becoming the world's best stay-at-home-diet-coke-addicted-American-TV-junkie.

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Sal said...
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