Monday, November 26, 2007


There really, really needs to be some kind of standardisation in the world of coffee making. I'm constantly being told that a routine is not necessarily a good thing if practiced every day, and that some deviation is important to keep the brain interested in living. So, I went to a different coffee shop today, (incidentally, the same chain that fucked up my skinny iced coffee), and ordered a standard skinny latte. I am now half way through this latte, and have surmised that it is, in fact, NOT made on skinny milk.

So deviating from my routine of going to the nice, normal coffee shop over the road, with their nice, normal skinny milk and their nice, normal method of making coffee of all varieties, has proven to be detrimental to my health. Both my mental, and physical health.

While I continue to drink this lip curlingly heavy non-skinny latte, I curse the creation of other forms of milk and other forms of coffee shop, and I pray for the implementation of a standard.

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